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IREC Field Days

Author: Teagan Stewart

IREC Field Days Thursday 21st January 2021 from 7:30am ( Padman Stops will shout you breakfast)
Receive and update on the trials being held at the IREC Field Station covering and see the following:

  • Rice grown under Delayed Permanent Water with 30, 45 and 60 day inundation
  • Cotton Planted into green manure crop
  • Mung beans following 5 t/ha barley on 1m hills and automated PTB

The IREC Field Days will also be having several speakers – see below for topics.
We will be speaking about our automation – read more about our portable and affordable automation here

RSVP is Essential by Monday 18 January 2021
IREC: 02 6963 0936
Iva: 0402 069 643
Email: irec@irec.org.au
Or find out more information here 

Who IREC are;

The Irrigation Research and Extension Committee (IREC) facilitates cross-industry collaboration and cooperation between all those connected with irrigated agriculture in the Murrumbidgee Valley – irrigators, researchers, industry, agencies, and government.

IREC provides a forum where the irrigator, the advisory officer and the research scientist work as a team to both identify and direct relevant and beneficial research and extension, and address issues and policies affecting services for the region’s irrigators.

Through these collaborative efforts, IREC has made significant contributions to improving the irrigation industry’s productivity, profitability and sustainability. Active in the Murrumbidgee Valley since 1939, IREC is backed by a strong and active membership.

IREC values and missions align with us at Padman stops in building and supporting a sustainable future for Australian Farmers. We are proud to work with and support the efforts and research IREC do in the agriculture industry.

To read more about IREC their achievements, vision, mission and goals you can do so here

2021 IREC Field Day Flier 21st January 1

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